Real time exploitation | Isuk4
Yo yo back with another lets start Hmmm.Did you chat with live agents on any day? If you did that, you know that it’s a real time chat. like live agent can see you’re Mg in real time so how does developer make
Mar 10, 2024
2 minsTOC
Yo yo back with another lets start
Hmmm.Did you chat with live agents on any day? If you did that, you know that it’s a real time chat. like live agent can see you’re Mg in real time
so how does developer make that? well there is way called websocket
How does websocket work
WebSockets work by establishing a persistent connection between the client and server over a single TCP socket. Once the connection is established, data can be sent and received in real-time between the client and server.
Damn. we can use this thing to do lots of work
hmm so lets deep dive into this
So there are lots of vulns that can be come with websockets
XSS with web sockets
so in web sockets we can still inject js payloads brrrr.but its kinda different. actually not that lets hop into that
okay now I demonstrate with a portswigger lab
okay so i access the live chat
when i click and inspect this request with burp suite
its a webscoket request and i managed to edit this request to xss payload
and boom💥💥
And remember these vulns aren’t only limited to xss. these can leads to lots of vulns like sqli injection ,xxe, nosql like basicly this is just normal web vulns but in websocket protocol
so ima off
echo "GGS!Ima off";